When the date of this letter is compared with the date of the McDaniel memo (1/12/05), one might draw the conclusion that the bishop was acting toward Fr. Bollinger in the manner directed by the counsel of Peter Kapcio of the p.r. firm Eric Mawer and Associates. You would think that gospel ethics and p.r. practice would not be in sinc, and you would be right. So, what is going on in the Diocese of Central NY? ed.
The Rt. Rev. Gladstone B. Adams III
The Diocese of Central New York
January 17,2005
The Rev. David G. Bollinger St. Paul's Church
117 Main Street
Owego, NY 13827
Dear David:
It has always been my desire to be open with you and available to you
throughout whatever difficulty you have dealt with at St. Paul's Church,
Owego. It has been a true disappointment to me that you have been
unreceptive to my attempts to be in communion with you, especially these
past few weeks.
David, I believe your actions in distributing privileged and
confidential lawyer-to-lawyer communications have been reckless and
irresponsible and were done with the intent to damage my relationship
with the college of clergy in this Diocese. I also believe your
communications have intentionally sought to damage the reputation,
integrity and good work of Mrs. Gael Sopchak. I feel you have betrayed
my trust and have openly engaged in personal attacks on both me and
members of my staff.
In my responsibility as Bishop not only to you, but also to the people
of St. Paul's, the diocesan clergy and employees, and in accordance with
Title IV of the Church Canons, I find it necessary to issue you a
Pastoral Direction. Therefore:
As a way of showing best care for you, I expect you to accept my offer
to complete psychological and psychiatric evaluations at a time and
facility that I designate. All related costs will be assumed by the Diocese.
You are to have no contact or communication with any of the clergy in
the Diocese of Central New York regarding the alleged sexual abuse case
involving [redacted] This applies to any and all alleged victims and
their families who have or may come forth
You are to immediately provide to the co-chairs of the Pastoral Response
Team, contact information of any alleged victims who have or may come to
your attention. This applies to any and all alleged victims and their
families who have or may come forth.
You are to have no contact or communication with any of the clergy in
the Diocese of Central New York regarding the allegations you have made
against my Administrative Officer, Gael Sopchak.
The Rev. David G. Bollinger January 17,2005
Page 2
You shall immediately surrender all financial records and account
information of 8t. Paul's Church, including records of your
discretionary fund, to an independent auditor of
my choosing. Furthermore, I require your full cooperation in the
completion of the the the audit. In addition, the vestry shall take
immediate action to remove your name as signatory on all parish
accounts, including the discretionary account.
You shall immediately submit a written resignation as a member of the
Diocesan Ecclesiastical Court.
Your failure to comply with any of these Directions shall result in
further and immediate canonical proceedings.
Furthermore, because the trust I had placed in you as District Dean has
been severely breached, I find it necessary to remove you from this
position of diocesan leadership, effective immediately.
Although the scope of this Pastoral Direction is intentionally
far-reaching, it does not preclude
you from continuing your ministry to provide sacramental and pastoral
care to the parishioners of St. Paul's Church. While it pains me to take
this action against you, I believe it is necessary for your wellbeing as
well as that of the parish and the Diocese. It is my fervent hope that
we can see our way through this difficulty together and begin to forge a
path to healing and forgiveness in the months to come.
Regardless of our substantial differences be assured of my continued
prayer for you, your family and the people of St. Paul's.
In Christ's name,
Gladstone B. Adams III Bishop
The Rev. David G. Bollinger
Cc The Rev. Holly Eden
Mr. Paul J. Curtin, Jr. Wardens, St. Paul’s Church
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