Saturday, February 04, 2006

Is No News Good News?

Nothing has been sent out by the Diocese of Central NY concerning the $4.35 million lawsuit that was filed by attorney David Gouldin on behalf of the Rev. David Bollinger. The lawsuit names Bishop Adams, the Diocese of Central NY and former comptroller Gael Sopchak as defendants. A letter did arrive last week stating that Fr. Bollinger's inhibition has been extended for another 90 days. This makes it over a year that Fr. Bollinger has not been permitted to function as a priest.

I have been told by multiple sources that the diocese has hired one of the most expensive law firms in Syracuse to handle the lawsuit. You might recall that this is the same diocese that could not afford to continue the ministry of the Thornfield Conference Center. In the past two years, our impoverished diocese has paid $30,000 for a forensic audit, hired a public relations firm and now an expensive law firm. As our bishop tells us, a budget is a theological statement, and the forensic audit, p.r. firm and expensive law firm speak volumes about the bankrupt theology of the Diocese of Central NY.

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