Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Has the Diocese of Central NY Complied?

This resolution was passed at the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Central NY in November 2005:

Resolution # 4
Subject: Diocesan Salaries
Submitted by: The Rev. J. Gurdon Brewster
WHEREAS the salaries, pension payments, and all other allowances paid to the Diocesan clergy and parish staff are known by each individual congregation, and whereas many Dioceses of the Episcopal Church declare their general and administrative costs by title and job description, and whereas, income of the Diocese of Central New York has been declining for several years;
BE IT RESOLVED that to encourage better stewardship and openness, the 2006 individual compensation and benefits of the Bishop and diocesan staff be printed with the Annual Report each year.
This Resolution is not recommended, was amended and passed.

Comment: This was presented and passed at diocesan convention as one small way to break through the veil of secrecy. I look forward to seeing this information that has never been made public, to my knowledge, in my nearly eight years in this diocese.

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