Saturday, April 05, 2008

Current PECUSA Liturgical Thinking

As reported at VirtueOnline:

In yet another example of the Episcopal Organization's (is it really a church at this point) creeping Unitarianization, the Episcopal Church's chief liturgical officer, the Rev. Clayton Morris, explains the Eucharist: "Why does the church gather around a table with food and drink in its primary act of worship? Because God calls the church to a ministry of reconciliation. The church is called to restore the dignity of creation. It is all about feeding and being fed. It is all about making certain that all God's children are safe, whole and nourished. The ritual breaking of bread in the midst of the assembly reminds us of our task while it embodies its reality." Wrote one VOL reader; "Sign me up. Who wouldn't want to get up early on one of their days off to participate in some pseudo-spiritual left-wing bread ritual? Especially since my friends and I, AKA "the assembly," can "restore the dignity of creation" at just about any local pub over Stoli shots and a big-backside plate of Buffalo wings whenever the mood strikes us." Indeed.

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