From The Guardian (UK):
· Lambeth summit told of plans to ease tensions
· Mediation over row on same-sex union blessings
Hundreds of bishops at the Lambeth summit received a document outlining plans for a forum to tackle divisive issues.
The Anglican church is to set up a pastoral forum to help resolve disputes over divisive issues such as homosexuality, same sex blessings and cross border interventions, it emerged yesterday.
The recommendation is one of several contained in a document issued yesterday to hundreds of bishops attending the landmark Lambeth summit. It is designed to avoid a split in the 80 million-strong Communion by reconciling conservatives and liberals.
The idea is for the body to deal with controversial situations or divisive action as they arise, in an effort to head off feuding. The third largest Christian denomination has fractured over the issue of consecrating gay bishops and blessing same-sex unions in recent years, such that some conservative US dioceses have "seceded" from local oversight and joined with fellow traditionalists in Africa.
The schism was further accentuated by the formation of a breakaway movement of conservatives last month designed to challenge what they see as liberal, modernist interpretation of scripture. The disputes have overshadowed the Lambeth conference, a once-a-decade summit of bishops which should provide a moment of unity but has in fact served to highlight the rift between factions.
According to the Windsor Continuation Group, which was established to analyse the crisis and proposed the initiative, the "swift formation" of this panel would "engage theologically and practically" with schismatic crises.
A forum would act as a "holding bay" for provinces or dioceses wanting to break away from their leadership. The president would be the archbishop of Canterbury, who would also be responsible for appointing its members and a chair.
Members, representing diverse theological views, would travel, meet and offer pastoral advice and guidelines in "conflicted, confused and fragile situations".
The document explained how such a forum would work: "Such a scheme might draw on models from family life (the way in which the extended family can care for children in dysfunctional nuclear families) or from law (where escrow accounts can be created to hold monies in trust for their rightful owner on completion of certain undertakings)."
The document also urged Anglican churches to observe three crucial existing moratoria - the blessing of same-sex unions, consecrating gay clergy in partnered relationships and inter-provincial claims of jurisdiction - where a church outside a province provides spiritual oversight. The document added that proscribed activity in any of these regards should cease.
"The requests have been less than wholeheartedly embraced on both sides," it said. "If the three moratoria are not observed the Communion is likely to fracture. The patterns of [current] actions could lead to irreparable damage."
In a press conference the chair of the Windsor Continuation Group, Bishop Clive Handford, said the moratorium on consecrating partnered homosexuals would not require the resignation of the bishop of New Hampshire, the Right Rev Gene Robinson.
"We're not asking that he be defrocked. We're just saying that there should not be any more [consecrations]. We're aware that he was elected according to the policies of the Episcopal Church, whatever we may think, we recognise that."
Although the idea of a forum is still in its infancy it is unlikely to appeal to conservatives or liberals. One US Episcopal Church insider was heard referring to it as "dead in the water".
A US bishop, the Right Rev Sergio Carranza-Gomez of Los Angeles, said: "If it's really a pastoral thing that will advise and uphold the authority of the body [national church] then it will be OK, but we don't want to have tribunals or a group that enforces doctrine. If it's something that will punish or discipline then I don't think it will work."
The Right Rev Henry Scriven, a conservative evangelical assistant bishop in Pittsburgh, said: "We're a bit beyond extra committees that don't do anything.
"There has to be some sort of parallel structure that acknowledges the orthodox, such as myself," he said, mentioning last month's conference of traditionalists, called GAFCON, that agreed to form a breakaway fellowship.
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