August 26, 2008
Vancouver, BC—The Diocese of New Westminster has taken steps under the its bylaws (Canon laws) to remove clergy who have left the Anglican Church of Canada rather than accepting the decisions of its local and national governing bodies (Synods).
Following the failure of the clergy in question to leave Church premises in response to a late May request to do so, and an indication that Parish Wardens supported such actions by these clergy, the Diocese has invoked a provision that returns control of the parishes to the Diocese. The action has been approved by the Diocesan Council.
The former clergy involved are Trevor Walters, Michael Stewart, and Don Gardner at St. Matthew’s Abbotsford, and Simon Chin at St. Matthias and St. Luke in Vancouver.
On May 11, 2008, each of them declared they had voluntarily left the ordained ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada. They claimed to have come under jurisdiction of a bishop reporting to the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone, which is based in six South American Countries. Such foreign jurisdiction is not recognized by the Anglican Church of Canada.
Following their decision to leave the ordained ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada, they were asked by the diocese on May 29, 2008, to cease using the property of their former parishes.
St. Matthew’s former clergy were given a month and a half to leave, and the St. Matthias and St. Luke’s former priest was given two months. No one else was asked to leave.
With the invocation this week of the specific bylaw (Canon 15), all parish officials have been dismissed from their offices. The new Wardens appointed for St. Matthew’s are Monte Worthington and Carole Keighley. For St. Matthias and St. Luke, the new Wardens are Hales Jones and Norma Stephenson. New priests will be assigned to the parishes in due course.
George Cadman, chancellor (chief legal officer) of the Diocese, said he hopes that the former clergy will now decide to leave voluntarily and that resort to the courts will be unnecessary, even though the possibility of litigation was raised in letters from the former officials at St. Matthew’s. No communications have been received from St. Matthias and St. Luke since its priest left the Anglican Church of Canada.
In the past few months, the Courts in both B.C. and Ontario have issued preliminary findings in similar cases upholding similar actions by two other Dioceses, one on Vancouver Island and one in the Niagara area. Attempts to appeal those rulings in both cases have been unsuccessful and costs have been awarded to the Dioceses involved.
George Cadman, Diocesan Chancellor 604 647-4123
Neale Adams, Diocesan Communications Officer 604 684 6306 ext. 223
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