Monday, November 03, 2008


Since VGR was consecrated bishop pecusa has declined to 2.1 million members from 2.4 million members. In the mid-60s the number was 3.5 million. The numerical decline in pecusa follows the liberalism of faith in pecusa. As pecusa has wandered further and further from Scripture, Tradition, and yes, Reason, the membership has communicated its displeasure by leaving the church. The active membership of pecusa is believed to be 860,000. VGR is the most divisive figure in pecusa history, but the downward trend in pecusa began many years before his consecration. And yet, the PB is going around telling folks that the worst is over. Amazing. Two more dioceses may leave pecusa this month and the worst is over? No, Mary Sunshine, the future is not bright for pecusa.

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