From the Times-Union (Albany) via Stand Firm:
Bishop discusses church's future in light of gay ordinations, unions
By KENNETH C. CROWE II, Staff writer
First published in print: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
TROY -- Albany Episcopal Bishop William Love stood before 125 church members Tuesday night during an often tense give-and-take about the church's future.
"I realize emotions are high, feelings are high,'' said Love, standing at the edge of the altar in St. Paul's Church for nearly two hours.
The Episcopal Church is split by the ongoing debate over the ordination of gay and lesbians and the blessing of sex same unions.
"We are a divided church. There's no question we are a divided church,'' said Sheridan Biggs of St. Paul's Church in Schenectady, who indicated his uneasiness with the direction at the national level to support ordination and the blessing.
"What state we are in when we get through this, only God knows that,'' said Love, who is counted among the Episcopal Church's conservative bishops. He urged Biggs to stay in the church.
Members of Albany Via Media, a group of moderate to liberal Episcopalians, were in a distinct minority at the first of several regional meetings Love is holding to discuss the recent Episcopal General Convention.
Keith St. John, a local board member and Via Media USA liaison, questioned Love on what he's doing to hold the Episcopal Church together and said he was "bothered" by the bishop's references to the decision being "Satan driven."
Love stressed that Albany's orthodoxy has made placed it in a position where it remains in contact with all the Anglican communion and that this has prevented parishes from seeking affiliation with other parts of the church that have taken in other parishes.
"I'm aware that there are parishes that have considered leaving and looking elsewhere,'' Love said referring to as many as two parishes that he declined to identity.
Love stressed that Satan is sowing evil on both sides.
"I believe Satan has been instrumental in bringing confusion to our debates,'' Love said.
The Tuesday night gathering was the first of several regional meetings throughout the diocese Love is holding to discuss the recent Episcopal General Convention.
Love said the meeting he and six other conservative Episcopal bishops held last week with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams in London was to discuss the General Convention and the Anglican community.
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