Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some Comments on the Kelly Bollinger story

The story is posted below. Most of the 77 comments on this story are of the liberal vs. conservative political variety. Here are two comments that actually have something to say about the Bollinger's situation. ed.


Like most articles about this have to really search to find the facts as to what actually caused the monetary problems that led to the ultimate bankrupcy filing. Definately, David's early retirement caused a drop in their income and his heart attack and their daughter's cancer treatments created medical expenses...but they did have health insurance, correct? Indeed, they did have a higher deductible than they used to when he was the rector...but how high? 1000? 2500? Did their policy have "max out-of-pocket" caps? Most policies do. So...they were insured, they didn't get turned down for pre-existing conditions, up until 2006 it appears they had access to preventative checkups, they probably had out-of-pocket caps. I feel very sorry for the's a shame they had to file bankrupcy...I pray they find financial & physical healing. But one has to ask...What can Barack & Michelle Obama possibly do to prevent this type of hard luck story?
11/13/2009 10:57:17 PM

The only reason the family didn't lose its house was that David Bollinger qualified for Social Security disability.So... Whats the point of this story? Looks to me that they managed to save their house, without the need of socialised healthcare? I am wondering, if they will be able to afford the taxes and not end up losing their house anyway when socialised healthcare comes about. Makes you wonder...
11/14/2009 3:45:59 PM

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