From World Net Daily:
by Les Kinsolving
Posted: December 15, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
A nearly one-half page ad in USA Today is a wonderment of cover-up. Its 15 separate sentences describing this denomination are each preceded by the national Episcopal Church symbol, or coat or arms.
Not one of these 15 statements even mentions the prime reason why this denomination – to which so many of this nation's Founding Fathers belonged – has lost 1.5 million of its members since the 1950s.
Not one of these 15 statements, under the banner headline "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You," even mentions this denomination's General Convention's decision to support both same-sex marriage, as well as self-announced and practicing homosexuals as bishops and other clergy.
The closest any of these 15 statements comes to this major cause for the loss of so many members is the 11th:
"We affirm that committed relationships are lifelong and monogamous."
But just above that affirmation is the statement:
"We uphold the Bible and worship with the Book of Common Prayer."
If the Episcopal Church were in fact upholding the Bible – as this expensive USA Today ad claims – this denomination would never had torn itself apart by endorsing sodomist matrimony and ordinations, which are repeatedly condemned in the Old and New Testaments.
The latest news in this regard is the Diocese of Los Angeles' decision to elect as its new suffragan (assistant) bishop a lesbian Episcopal priestess from Maryland, Mary Glasspool.
In England, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams declared that Glasspool's election "raises very serious questions, not just for the Episcopal Church and its place in the Anglican Communion (of 77 million people) but for the Communion as a whole."
In Australia, the Anglican archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, warned that if America's Episcopal bishops confirm this election, this "will make clear beyond any doubt whatsoever that they (Episcopal Church) leadership has chosen to walk in a way which is contrary to Scripture and will continue to do so. It will also give Archbishop Williams every reason to act decisively and disassociate from the U.S. Episcopal Church."
Elsewhere in California, the Christian Legal Society at the University of California's Hastings College of the Law states that its members cannot include any person who "advocates or unrepentantly engages in sexual conduct outside of a marriage between a man and a woman."
For this, the university has refused it official status, denied it meeting space, or any part of the student activities fee. So the Christian Legal Society filed a lawsuit.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit (the "Naughty Ninth") ruled in support of the university. But that conflicted with a decision by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on a similar suit at Southern Illinois University.
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, quite astoundingly, contended that groups seeking public funding and official recognition on campus must be open to all.
"All" would include members of NAM/BLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association.
Now this case has gone to the United States Supreme Court.
h/t Fr. Dick Kim
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