Saturday, February 20, 2010


from Midwest Conservative Journal by The Editor

Mrs Schori is crossing boundaries again:

Jefferts Schori concluded her remarks by telling council members that “things are heating up in South Carolina.”

She noted that Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Mark Lawrence has delayed the diocese’s annual convention and attributed the delay “supposedly to my incursions in South Carolina.”

“He’s telling the world that he is offended that I think it’s important that people who want to stay Episcopalians there have some representation on behalf of the larger church,” she said, asking for the council’s prayers for the people of the diocese.

In a Feb. 9 letter to the diocese Lawrence said that the convention would be delayed from March 4-5 to March 26 in order for him, the diocesan standing committee and the diocese “to adequately consider a response” to what he called an “unjust intrusion into the spiritual and jurisdictional affairs of this sovereign diocese of the Episcopal Church.”

Make no mistake, Bishop Lawrence. You’re going down and you’re probably going down sooner rather than later. The only reason the Presiding Bishop hasn’t moved against you is that she hasn’t yet come up with a fraudulent-but-superficially-plausible reason.

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