Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Press Conference at the end of Executive Council meeting

From Anglicans United via TitusOneNine:

Feb 22, 2010 12:10 PM Concluded 12:27 PM

The press conference was moderated by Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer for The Episcopal Church. Each reporter that calls in is greeted by Mrs. Fox. She initially commented on today’s email flurry, stating I was in London, requesting money to get home. The speakers were introduced, with their official titles. Questions follow. I did not get every reporter’s name. PB is Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori; Bonnie Anderson is the President, House of Deputies, and Vice President of the Executive Council. RE is a question from a reporter without a name.

Louise Brooks, Integrity: pass; did not return to press conference

Cherie Wetzel , The Anglican Voice: For the Presiding Bishop, Can you explain why Bishop Mark Lawrence’s decision to postpone the diocesan convention in order to respond to the attorney’s request, generated your extensive report to the Executive Council on South Carolina last Friday?

PB: I wanted the Executive Council to be aware of it.

RE: Dr. Hadaway’s presentation on attendance statistics: what was the Council’s response?

Bonnie Anderson, President, House of Deputies: He is such a good speaker and gave us good report. Only 5 of the nation’s top denominations showed growth in 2008. Even Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic showed decline, with the Roman Catholics spared by the large influx of people from other denominations. Viewing through ideological lens did not explain the situation, since everyone is in decline.

PB: It stimulated good conversation about characteristics of churches that grow. Provided lots of data and information for people to take home with them.

Doug LeBlanc, The Living Church: In the ENS (Episcopal News Service) report on Friday, you indicated that the PB spoke about the situation in South Carolina, asking people pray for the people in SC. What change do you hope to see as a result of those prayers?

PB: I want a clear understanding of realities of TEC and don’t want the people of South Carolina to rely on erroneous information, provided by other sources.

Bonnie Anderson: Have heard from several of the deputies from south Carolina. They have a desire for clear and accurate information; prayer all across the church for this situation.

Re: Who is new council member to replace Bp elect Ian Douglas?

PB: He hasn’t resigned yet. He is expected to do so at the end of the meeting today. [Ed. Note: the Rev. Dr. Ian Douglas was elected Bishop of Connecticut. His resignation today from the Executive Council indicates that he has received enough consents from bishops and standing committees to be consecrated in April. He must resign because he was not elected from the House of Bishops, but from the House of Deputies. ]

Mary Ann Moehler for Virtueonline: TEC has gone after traditionalists with a vengeance. Now you are going after South Carolina. What do you hope to gain doing this?

PB: Episcopalians in SC have expressed concern to my office about those who have left diocese or are contemplating doing so and continued to exercise control over Episcopal assets. That is my primary concern.

Mary Francis Schoenberg: Can you talk about the challenges in crafting 2010/2011 budget.

PB: Budgets are always challenging, even though we preach a gospel of prosperity. How do we, or what is the best way to spend money to perform the transformative work of the Gospel?

Bonnie Anderson: The budget is discussed and passed by The Governing Body of this Church: the General Convention. Now its the work of the Exec Council to make small adjustments. It’s a very democratic process. Keeping in mind that we have a defining document before us in the document passed at General Convention, we will try to hold on to what the General Convention concluded and mandated.

George Conger, reporter at large: to the PB and President: You both expressed receiving erroneous information in SC. What is this erroneous information? Where did it come from?

PB: Episcopalians, like many others who use the internet, seek information that is not subject to peer review [Ed. Note: as information is in academic circles.] They rely on opinion, not fact. The South Carolina representation of our theology and polity as a whole is not accurate. There are stated processes of this Church that are not accurate. I would encourage South Carolinians to ask bodies of TEC that are responsible for these decisions and get their facts straight.

Bonnie Anderson: There is a large influx of information coming from multiple sources. It is really important for people who are going to be voting on something to get accurate information on the issues before them. Fox example, and this is just hypothetical, can a diocese leave TEC? What is the process for that concern? What have we agreed to in the General Convention over the years with regard to that?

There were no other questions.

Bonnie Anderson in conclusion: I want to add on to something Bp. Katharine said earlier about positive things we saw from the Hadaway report about building, rebuilding, and reinvigorating congregations. I want to respond to decline in mainline denominations. We need to give people a reason to get out of bed on Sunday morning and come to church. We must respond to our communities and tell people all the good things about TEC: our strong stand for social justice, the vital ministry of lay people and our democratic process of decision making. That is the work we must each promote locally.

NR Fox: Another post this afternoon re: Exec Council. Letter from Exec Council to the Church that will be released later today.

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