Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Partnered gay man to be ordained in the DCNY

I received a note that Richard Schaal, a partnered gay man will be ordained a deacon at Christ Church Binghamton on May 8th at 10:00 AM.

Schaal is a member of St. Paul's, Owego, so the Diocese will want to keep that parish connection muted given the recent arrest of Ralph Johnson, the former rector there, for molesting boys.

Christ Church is not in the same district as St. Paul's, so it is a curious site for the ordination, but I am sure that the DCNY can provide a plausible explanation for their choice of venue.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tony,

You don't know me, but we had a "moment" at a Diocesan event years ago. Not interested and you have scowled at me ever since.

I had a "moment" with your church organist too. Didn't make the connection until after you fired him.

So, do your wives keep in touch?

Sorry, you're not my type. I like butcher types, like your organist's wife.

As I understand it, the service was at Trinity, since Schaal was training with Donecker, who is a big pro-gay rector from Bucknell University.

Tony Seel said...

Anon, your comment is strange in a few places. How is it that I don't know you but I run into you enough to always scowl at you?

Second, we have never had a male organist at St. Andrew's in my time here except for the occasional fill-in.

Our present organist is female, so I'm wondering whether you are confusing me with someone else.

Anonymous said...


You DO know me and I am tentatively angry at you for engaging this "person" (and I use the term "person" loosely - which will immediately remind you who I really am, so call me up so that I can apologize for correcting you in public).

Anon said Trinity. WRONG! It was at what these pseudo-Anglicans call "Christ" Church. Why didn't you challenge that? My bride and I were downtown, so we peeked into the church. There were about 20 people there -- mostly GLBTQWERTYUIOP (whatever they are calling themselves today). No clergy. No choir. One guy -- obviously a show queen -- struggling through some innocuous piece of pseudo-liturgical garbage -- more power ballad than Anglican.

Be glad that my bride didn't type this! She is angry already that I typed that! HAHAHAHA!

So WE are the new Anon, setting the record straight. Ignore all other Anons.