Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Why you can't argue with the LGBTWXYZ crowd

As you can see in the post below, you really can't argue with the LGBTWXYZ crowd. If you disagree with them you are "complicit" in the persecution of gays, lesbians, and the rest of their fellow travelers. To believe that these sexual behaviors are wrong is to be homophobic, bigoted, and intolerant. So you see, there really is no room for biblical or intellectual debate. As soon as you demonstrate from Scripture, tradition or reason that certain sexual behaviors are not wise you are met with a torrent of invective. It really is sad that the sexually-deviant crowd can't come up with some credible arguments.

The pecusa left loves to tell everyone how smart they are, but they sure don't show much intelligence when it comes to their pet issues. Failing to have arguments they can only dish out invective, and that's a problem. You can't claim to be intelligent and engage in schoolyard level name-calling. But this is exactly what Jim McNaughton does in his hit piece on the Archbishop of Canterbury. Read it for yourself below and tell me whether anyone can honestly come to any other conclusion.

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