Monday, September 13, 2010

Activist Homosexuals and Radical Islamists Have a Common Thread: Victimization

Activist Homosexuals and Radical Islamists Have a Common Thread: Victimization

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue
Sept. 12, 2010

Activist homosexuals and lesbians in the Episcopal Church share a common thread with the most radical of Islamists - victimization.

Once the first line of defense has been breached - the false accusations of homophobia -- the second line of defense, like a crocodile rearing its head from the Nile River, is victimization.

If you read Gay Episcopal blogs Integrity and Changing Attitude and a host of liberal Episcopal bloggers, the message is the same; orthodox Episcopalians are to blame because they refuse to accept the alleged orientation of the church's pansexualists, in truth same-sex attractions. The result is that sodomists are the victims of orthodox oppression.

Read the full story at

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