Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another report from the Titanic

So what’s going on in the Diocese of Southern Virginia?

Word is that Bishop Hollerith has made a number of interesting [I guess we can call them "interesting"] decisions, beyond the departures of the canon to the ordinary and the communications director [who, word has it, advocated way way too much transparency.]

Naturally, the new communications director was instrumental in starting the Integrity chapter of the Diocese of Southern Virginia -- so this will be highly motivating to the conservatives of the diocese to give generously to their parishes so that a portion of that money can go to pay Ann Turner's salary.

Departures of staff are fairly common with the arrival of a new bishop. At one point there was a move afoot to axe Talbot Hall -- deleting Camp and Conference Centers in TEC dioceses is now common across the country in struggling dioceses, and was long long before the recession [so don't let anyone spin that one] -- but the pewsters are revolting over that plan. [One idea that might be helpful is to take the money that is normally given to the national church to support all those lawsuits and apply it to Talbot Hall . . . ]

And then . . . the treasurer of the diocese has resigned as well. That's actually a bit unusual. Note this post back in 2008 about "stewardship" [which being translated means "how can we require parishes to give money to us to support the revisionists' work and the work of the current leaders of TEC?"] in the Diocese of Southern Virginia which briefly mentions the now-departed treasurer's work:
The Diocese also hired a new Treasurer who has been very open with information and, from what I understand, very capable and honest especially with accountability for use of restricted funds.

So we've got some staff departures -- most notably the treasurer of the diocese -- and an interesting imbroglio with property and rebellious pewsters.

This makes me wonder -- is there anything else I'm missing?

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