COLORADO SPRINGS: Orthodox Anglican Rector Accepts Plea Offer to Single Misdemeanor Charge
Prosecutor drops 20 felony counts against Fr. Don Armstrong
By David W. Virtue
Sept. 18, 2010Fr. Don Armstrong, rector of St. George's Anglican Church and formerly rector of Grace & St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, pled no contest to a single misdemeanor charge on Friday in Colorado Fourth Judicial Court, bringing to conclusion an almost five year investigation and prosecution of Armstrong, the former Executive Director of the Anglican Communion Institute.
"The plea to which I agreed is an Alford plea which is for the purpose of accepting an offer of a plea agreement without admission of guilt, which was in this case essentially to drop twenty felony counts in exchange for a single misdemeanor." Armstrong told VOL in an e-mail from his home."
"This misdemeanor, which includes a restitution phase in which I am confident we will also be able to find an appropriate way forward, brings an end to my own criminal prosecution and spares both Colorado Springs congregations, St. George's Anglican and Grace Episcopal, and the Episcopal Diocese from a lengthy trial that would serve only to diminish all of our witness."
"Certainly we believe this sudden conclusion was Divine intervention. The Lord has blessed our congregation in so many ways, purging resentment and contempt for our persecutors from our hearts, instilling us with a renewed spirit of mission and outreach, and giving us a growing and deepening love for our Lord and one another. We have experienced a wonderful flourishing of faith under Bishops Minns and Bena in the midst of this intense and expensive persecution."
A parish response to Fr. Armstrong's plea agreement said this: "Today our Rector, The Rev. Donald Armstrong, accepted a plea agreement offered by the Pueblo District Attorney which precludes the pending trial and begins to bring to conclusion this long and torturous ordeal for our congregation and the larger Christian Community.
"Specifically, Father Armstrong made an Alford plea, which is a special plea used when there is no admission of guilt or basis of fact for the charge, but the charge, in this case a misdemeanor, is accepted to take advantage of an offer, in this case to reduce the original 20 Felony counts to a single misdemeanor.
"We are grateful to Don and Jessie for their courage, strength, and witness during this time of personal persecution. Over these last years' God has blessed us greatly as individuals and as a congregation.
"In preparation for the now canceled trial we have become convinced even more strongly that controversies within the larger denominational church were the catalyst for the Diocese's investigation and complaint, for the purpose of silencing our bold and successful defense of orthodoxy through our parish's life, discipline, and teaching ministry.
"We believe that the courts are not the place to deal with theological differences, and that to have allowed this dispute to continue to be played out in the news by going to trial would have served only to diminish all Christian witness. With this plea offer now in place such further harm to the entire church in this already difficult age for Christianity will be prevented.
"We further believe the disparity between the magnitude of charges made against Father Armstrong by the Episcopal Diocese and the final content of the plea agreement vindicates not only Father Armstrong, but also clearly affirms our confidence that we ran an effective and well managed church in our days at the helm of Grace & St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, and continue to do so at St. George's Anglican Church.
"With only a restitution hearing to be held in the distant future, this essentially concludes this long and expensive attempt to silence orthodox resistance to theological innovations in the Episcopal Church. We are thankful we can now move forward under our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns, into a future productive for the Kingdom of God."
The Rev. Robert J. O'Neill said it brings healing to all those harmed by Armstrong's actions. "It brings closure to a sad chapter in the life of the diocese."
News and opinion about the Anglican Church in North America and worldwide with items of interest about Christian faith and practice.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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