Tuesday, September 07, 2010

PHILADELPHIA: Pro-Gay Anglo-Catholic Priest Invites Bennison to Say Mass

PHILADELPHIA: Pro-Gay Anglo-Catholic Priest Invites Bennison to Perform Sacramental Duties

By David W. Virtue
Sept. 6, 2010

The Anglo-Catholic priest of one of the last remaining "high" Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Pennsylvania said he has personally invited disgraced Bishop Charles E. Bennison to say Mass for him on some of the weeks he has to be in the hospital for hip surgery.

He did this despite the fact that Bennison, 66, stands convicted of conduct unbecoming a priest or bishop. Bennison has returned as bishop with a cloud hanging over him because of a narrow, legalistic reading of the statute of limitations that let him off on a technicality.

Bennison had been charged with covering up the sexual abuse of a minor by his brother and failing to discharge his pastoral obligations to the girl, the members of her family, and members of the parish youth group as well as church authorities after he learned of his brother John's sexual abuse.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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