Monday, October 04, 2010

DCNY parish losses during Anglican Crisis

This is from the chart linked in the VOL post below by Christian Martine:

Central New York

Church of the Good Shepherd, Binghamton
left 2007
members - 200
average Sunday attendance - 70
pledge/plate $72,000
- Affiliated with Kenya and currently in a property dispute.

St. Andrew, Vestal
No G&D. Bishop took over property and is now for sale.

St. Andrew, Syracuse

The church offered the parish in exchange for a 5 year lease. This would give
the church time to find new facilitoes. The offer was rejected and the result was
property litigation. The church argued they were a 'free church'.

Editor's Update: For St. Andrew's, Vestal, while the DCNY closed St. Andrew's, Vestal, it is not totally accurate to say that we left with all our parishioners in 2007. Members left in 2004 when we elected to join the American Anglican Council. Another group left in 2005 when we joined the American Communion Network. There was a third exodus when we left pecusa in 2007. An insufficient number of those who left were willing to continue St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Vestal. St. Andrew's Anglican Church currently meets at Memorial Park Baptist Church, 1013 Front St. in Vestal. We are affiliated with the Convocation of Anglicans in North America.

St. Andrew's, Syracuse is affiliated with the Anglican Mission in the Americas and spawned a sister church, Holy Trinity, Syracuse that is affiliated with CANA.

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