Saturday, November 12, 2011

AMIA Leader Clarifies Relationship with Anglican Province of Rwanda

AMIA Leader Clarifies Relationship with Anglican Province of Rwanda
Bishop Terrell Glenn announces resignation from Anglican Mission in the Americas

Exclusive Report

By David W. Virtue
November 11, 2011

Rumors that there has been a rift between the Anglican Mission in the Americas and the Anglican Province of Rwanda are false said Bishop and Chairman Chuck Murphy who told VOL that there is "no rift, no tear" and that the relationship is "solid" and "cherished. Both parties are working through their future shape together.

In an extended phone conversation with VOL, Murphy acknowledged that the Rwandan Province and the Anglican Mission are in ongoing discussions about the best way forward and about the possibility of formally establishing a missionary society (like the Church Missionary Society), but that this would not change AMIA'S connection with Rwanda, the Sister-to-Sister program or their support of the Province.

"I will be meeting with Archbishop Onesphore Rwaje, Primate of the Province of Rwanda, in Washington DC, next week to continue discussion of the design of such a missionary society. I have invited the Rev. Canon Kevin Donlon (our Canon for Ecclesiastical Affairs) to join us in this these discussions.

Read the full story at

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