Thursday, November 10, 2011

BROCKTON: Holy Cross Bishop Says Continuers Can Be Catalyst in Great Realignment

BROCKTON, MA: Holy Cross Bishop Says Continuers Can Be Catalyst in Great Realignment
"If Rome is the shoe and Orthodoxy is the foot, we Anglicans can be the shoe-horn"

By David W. Virtue in Brockton Mass
November 5, 2011

The Anglican Continuum has been the reconnaissance of the Lord's army. It still has the capacity to move out again to fulfill their vocation to help reveal the unity of the Body of Christ, to help get the two lungs of the Church breathing together again, to be more vibrant than ever, what Ignatius of Antioch called "the Church that presides in love."

Bishop Paul C. Hewett SSC, Diocese of the Holy Cross, told leaders and clergy at a world consultation on the Continuing Anglican churches at St. Paul's Brockton, Mass that their vocation as Anglicans is wrapped up in the paradigm of the patristic consensus of the first 1000 years. The consensus of the first millennium is the model for revealing our unity. We are the only Christians who simultaneously understand Rome, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Traditional, orthodox Anglicans are on hand, globally, to help her mend the rends we can reach.

"The Holy Spirit is drawing us from ahead. Tens of thousands of evangelicals are on the Canterbury trail. A surprising number of Anglicans in new parishes now surround Wheaton College in Illinois. The sharp evangelicals today recognize that we are no longer dealing with the conflicts of the 16th Century, but of the 4th. The great issue confronting us all is the incarnation. Those who say Jesus is God in the flesh are lining up on one side of a new divide. Those who say that He is merely a great ethical teacher, like Confucius or Buddha are lining up on the other."

Read the full story at

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