Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Crisis of Authority in Anglicanism - Alice Linsley

The Crisis of Authority in Anglicanism

By Alice C. Linsley
Special to Virtueonline
May 25, 2012

I was raised a Protestant and over many years I found my way to catholicity. My first encounters were with Anglicanism at St. Luke's Anglican Mission and the Armenian Orthodox cathedral in Isfahan, Iran. Being a Christian in that country was a serious matter. Persecution of Iranian converts was common and the Armenian Christians were isolated and understandably guarded.

The fervent commitment and humility of the English missioner priest at St. Luke's especially impressed me. When I became Anglican, I thought I was entering into the fullness of the "one holy catholic and apostolic faith." In retrospect, I believe that I had merely entered a liturgical form of Protestantism with its inherent tendency to schism. The crisis of authority in the Anglican Communion has confirmed my suspicion.

Every shade of Anglicanism has suffered in this crisis; Revisionists, Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics. There have been no winners. Revisionists lose ground daily, as evidenced by their widening financial troubles and the swift decline in membership.

Read the full story at

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