Friday, May 25, 2012


Did you know that not being able to be an Anglican bishop is pretty much the same thing as being slapped around by your husband or boyfriend?

A female priest has compared the Church of England to an abusive husband following controversial last-minute changes to plans allowing women to be bishops.

The Rev Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, interim principal of Durham University’s Ustinov College, branded the Church an “abusive institution” and questioned whether women should stay or flee.
She wrote in a blog post: “The question for women priests today is: do we stay with this abusive institution?

“Do we stay, hoping it will get better? Do we stay, because we feel called by God to be in this marriage? Do we stay, thinking we can continue to try to change it from the inside?
“Or do we flee to the nearest refuge (let’s ignore the fact for now that they rarely exist) – leaving home, family, community, and our dreams behind?”

In another passage, she reportedly referred to the recent case of a man who gouged out his wife’s eyes.

The posting was later withdrawn.

Unless women become Anglican bishops, women all over the world will DIE!!  DIE, I TELL YOU!!  DIIIIIIIIIIE!!

She wrote on Monday: “One of the reasons women’s ordination is important is because women’s current exclusion from the church hierarchy justifies and entrenches sexist attitudes which have very serious consequences for women around the world.

“Rape, sexual abuse, violence against women and women’s political and economic subjugation are repeatedly justified on the basis that it is ‘natural’ and ‘God-given’ that women should be below men on some divine hierarchy.”

Whatever, kitten.  I’d have at this but some blithering idiocy just needs to be left alone.

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