Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bishop of Mississippi Really Pumped about Annual Gay Retreat

Let’s just get right to the point: Bishop Duncan Gray is really, really pleased to be hosting the annual gay sleepover weekend at the diocesan retreat center that bears his (and his father’s, and his grandfather’s) name:
Dear Friends
I am pleased to send information about the Seventh Annual Spiritual Renewal Retreat which is sponsored by my office and the Diocesan Committee on Ministry with LGBT Persons. This year’s retreat will be August 24-26 at Gray Center.
I announced at Council that I have invited The Rt. Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan, of the Diocese of Los Angeles to be our leader. We are very fortunate to have her here, and I know we will benefit from her many gifts.
Please look over the attachments to this email (agenda, registration form, and retreat flyer) and give the information the widest possible distribution in your parish/mission, i.e. newsletters, bulletin board postings, service bulletins, etc. I will be sending an additional mailing in July.
I plan to attend, as I have in the past, and encourage your participation as well. If you can only come on Saturday, I think that one day will help you understand the nature of this retreat.
Thanks for all that you do.
The information he sent is a registration form, a flyer, and this agenda [PDF], which consists solely of “Sessions with The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool.” Oh, and an “Opportunity for a Private Meeting with The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool.”

Note that, as usual, registration includes options for “double occupancy.” That’s right, Mississippi Episcopalians: Non-celibate gay couples spending the weekend in the rooms at Gray Center. Think about that next time you go there for an event.

Or when your kids go.

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