Matt Barber has a message for average, ordinary 'gay' people
By Matt Barber
June 15, 2012
I write this not to professional homosexuals. That is to say, not to members of the well-funded, politically powerful homosexual activist lobby. They will mock and reject my words outright. They will twist and misrepresent what I say to further their own socio-political agenda. That's fine. It's to be expected. It merits little more than a yawn and an eye roll.
Instead, I write this to my fellow travelers in life - average, ordinary people, male and female, young and old - who happen to call themselves "gay." I write this out of obedience to God.
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Matt Barber has a message for average, ordinary 'gay' people
By Matt Barber
June 15, 2012
I write this not to professional homosexuals. That is to say, not to members of the well-funded, politically powerful homosexual activist lobby. They will mock and reject my words outright. They will twist and misrepresent what I say to further their own socio-political agenda. That's fine. It's to be expected. It merits little more than a yawn and an eye roll.
Instead, I write this to my fellow travelers in life - average, ordinary people, male and female, young and old - who happen to call themselves "gay." I write this out of obedience to God.
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I found Matt Barber’s "An Open Letter to Homosexuals" WND commentary column to be an interesting peek into the misconceptions of the writer as to both Christianity and homosexuality. The Bible has been consistently misinterpreted for centuries by so-called “Christians” with an anti-gay bias.
As just one example, take the discussion of the right to marry, in a Christian context. The fact that in a marriage between opposite-sex spouses, “the two become one flesh” does not take one bit away from the fact that in a marriage between same-sex spouses, “the two become one soul,” as described in 1 Samuel 18, where David and King Saul’s son Jonathan get married (and later, David also marries Saul’s daughter Michal, becoming Saul’s son in law a second time). The relationship is woven into the passages from 1 Sam. 18 through 2 Sam. 1.
Every single biblical passage that Mr. Barber might claim as showing homosexuality to be sinful can be interpreted differently – there is no incompatibility between homosexuality and Christianity, and homosexuality does not have to be interpreted as being sinful, or disordered.
No, the Bible has more recently been misinterpreted by those who want to make legitimate what the Bible clearly teaches is not legitimate, as you demonstrate by making David and Jonathan gay lovers. Talk about bias!
Yes, the Bible can be interpreted in many ways, which is why it is important to have a consensus of the faithful rather than the crazy interpretations we have today by obviously biased interpreters.
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