Monday, June 11, 2012

Powerful Preaching and Teaching, Global Guests Mark Anglican Church Gathering
Bishop Guernsey
Assembly 2012 Culminates with Closing Eucharist 

Sermon from Bishop John Guernsey of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic: "Our heavenly Father wants to use our suffering for Jesus to forge in us true holiness, a godly humility, a merciful and forgiving spirit, an unquenchable joy... Adversity, crisis and especially persecution can stir the Church to obedience to the Great Commission and to bring many to salvation." 

Ed Stetzer
Dr. Ed Stetzer Discusses the Local Congregation, Our Engine for Church Planting 

"God is calling your church and my church to join Him in His global mission."   

Bishop Ponniah
Bishop Ponniah Urges Perseverance through "In-Between Times" 

"For every heartbreak that you experience in the in-between times there will come a day when God will wipe away every tear and there will be sorrow no more," said Ponniah. "That gives us courage and hope and puts a spring in our witness."

Baroness Caroline Cox
Baroness Caroline Cox on Gospel-Centered Relief and Development 

Baroness Caroline Cox, honorary chair of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, addressed Assembly on June 8 with a sense of urgency for spreading the Gospel while helping those in need. "I cannot do everything, but I must not do nothing," she said. 

Bishop Todd Hunter
Bishop Todd Hunter Shares Lessons from Church Planting 

"There is no formula for church planting. Church planting is not rocket science. It is rocket art," he said. In order to embrace church planting as an art, Hunter warned the Assembly to not "fall in love with your strategies and tactics," but to "ruthlessly evaluate everything you are doing."

More News Coverage from Assembly 2012 

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