Saturday, November 17, 2012

And she's Roman Catholic

Jesuits Prefer Bestiality to Conservatism

Fordham University, a Catholic institution run by the Jesuits, recently had one of those marvelous juxtapositions that reveal so much about a school’s values. According to the Daily Caller, the College Republicans wanted to bring Ann Coulter to the campus to speak. The university president would have none of it:
On Nov. 10, Fordham University’s College Republicans canceled a scheduled speech by columnist Ann Coulter, after the Jesuit university’s president, Joseph M. McShane, publicly rebuked the organization for even considering inviting Coulter.
“To say that I am disappointed with the judgment and maturity of the College Republicans, however, would be a tremendous understatement,” McShane wrote in a statement the day before the event was canceled. “There are many people who can speak to the conservative point of view with integrity and conviction, but Ms. Coulter is not among them. Her rhetoric is often hateful and needlessly provocative — more heat than light — and her message is aimed squarely at the darker side of our nature.”
After the College Republicans took McShane’s advice, the university president softened his tone.
“Allow me to give credit where it is due: the leadership of the College Republicans acted quickly, took responsibility for their decisions, and expressed their regrets sincerely and eloquently,” McShane said.
Now, let me be clear: Coulter is not my cup of tea. She can be crude (referring to President Obama as a “retard,” for instance), and often prefers propaganda over persuasion. But then there’s the contrast:
Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.
According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”
No doubt. Singer has argued that there is no moral distinction between human beings and animals, that sex with animals is morally acceptable, and that the lives of animals are to be preferred over unborn children. He has advocated for infanticide and euthanasia based on the “quality of life” standard used by the Nazis to justify mass killings of the disabled and mentally ill. He is the very antithesis of everything the Catholic Church–as well as virtually all other Christians–stand for, and yet his speaking at Fordham as perfectly acceptable, while Ann Coulter is “needlessly provocative.”

There’s an old saw about one of the popes encountering a member of the Society of Jesus, and asking, “I know you are a Jesuit, but are you a Catholic?” I can see where that comes from now.

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