Justin Welby to lead Anglican Communion - Peter C. Moore
Justin Welby to lead Anglican Communion
By Peter C. Moore, D.D.
Special to Virtueonline
November 15, 2012
If someone were to draw a cartoon of Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury-elect, he might draw a sophisticated oil executive wearing a crown of thorns. And the caption might read: "Welcome to the most dysfunctional organization in the world."
That dysfunctional church is quickly learning about this man who has only been a bishop for one year, and who brings to his future role as leader of the Anglican Communion's 70 million members a skill set that might just as well have landed him in a glass office somewhere in London's Canary Warf as on the throne of Canterbury. But in the early 1990's he heard the call of God on his life, and committed himself to follow Jesus Christ. This led to theological training, ordination, the rectorship of a small parish, a canon's position at Coventry Cathedral, then Dean of Liverpool, and finally, following N.T. Wright, to the bishoprick of Durham, the fourth most important position in the Church of England.
Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org
By Peter C. Moore, D.D.
Special to Virtueonline
November 15, 2012
If someone were to draw a cartoon of Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury-elect, he might draw a sophisticated oil executive wearing a crown of thorns. And the caption might read: "Welcome to the most dysfunctional organization in the world."
That dysfunctional church is quickly learning about this man who has only been a bishop for one year, and who brings to his future role as leader of the Anglican Communion's 70 million members a skill set that might just as well have landed him in a glass office somewhere in London's Canary Warf as on the throne of Canterbury. But in the early 1990's he heard the call of God on his life, and committed himself to follow Jesus Christ. This led to theological training, ordination, the rectorship of a small parish, a canon's position at Coventry Cathedral, then Dean of Liverpool, and finally, following N.T. Wright, to the bishoprick of Durham, the fourth most important position in the Church of England.
Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org
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