Tuesday, November 19, 2013

C. S. Lewis Remembered

By Harry M. Covert
Special to Virtueonline
November 19, 2013

On this day a half-century ago the world was stunned into shock and dismay when a young dynamic American president was killed by an assassin's bullet.

The devastating events in Dallas, Texas brought an unexpected end to the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president, and his storybook administration often described as Camelot. He was 46. It was 1:30 PM Central Standard Time when the shooting occurred.

At approximately the same time some 5,000 miles away at The Kilns on Lewis Close in Oxford, England, one of Christendom's most beloved figures, Clive Staples (C.S.) Lewis died one week short of his 65th birthday. The time was 5:30 PM British time.

The Kilns was his home. The passing was almost unnoticed around the world, obviously overshadowed by the American events.

No less, the impact of C. S. Lewis, known as Jack to his many friends and colleagues, was powerful among Christians everywhere.

Lewis' passing is not being unnoticed today. His name is being added to Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey, joining the elite literary figures of British history.

His classic works for children and adults alike abound today and include Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, God in the Dock, Mere Christianity, Miracles, Letters to Children, The Great Divorce, Prayer: Letters to Malcolm, and many others still in heavy circulation.

Lewis was an Oxford don, a professor at Magdalen College, one of a kind and established a model for Christian leaders of all denominations around the world. He was a professing member of the Church of England and touched thousands of lives.

His last book, Prayer: Letters to Malcolm, is described as "sane, brilliantly imaginative approach to the problems of prayer. It was published posthumously, and remained on the best-seller lists for many weeks.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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