Tuesday, February 18, 2014


By Roger Salter
Special to Virtueonline
February 17, 2014

A swift review of former archbishops of the Ecclesia Anglicanadiscloses that the primatial office of Archbishop of Canterbury has been held by many men of great distinction and talent, theological, pastoral, and administrative - men who were made bold by God and of marked benefit to his Church. What is noticeable about the significant archbishops is their pronounced and principled promotion of the Word of God and some key aspect of it that needed proclamation in their time. Whatever their imperfections and weaker points, they promoted some particular facet or facets of divine truth that warranted strong emphasis for the sound thinking, teaching, and welfare of the people of God, for which the believing community is forever grateful.

No cause is greater for the clergy of the first rank than the promulgation and preservation of truth(Therefore, although the church is a witness and a guardian of Holy Scripture, yet it is not open to it to prescribe anything contrary to Scripture, or to enforce anything not found in Scripture to be believed as necessary to salvation. Article 20). To feed and lead the Lord's flock requires a mind saturated with Scripture and absolute stickability to the truth that Scripture yields. A true shepherd does not break down the hedges, fences, and folds that protect the sheep from harm and he does nothing to allow the invasion of ravaging wolves. A bishop removes threats to the souls in his care and does not negotiate with any menace in any guise. He doesn't look to the world for wisdom and direction but to the Word authored and illuminated by the Spirit.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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