Wednesday, May 14, 2014

UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA: Bishop Waldo Permits Congregations to Perform Same-Sex Blessings


By David W. Virtue DD
May 13, 2014

The Bishop of Upper South Carolina, The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo told his clergy he will permit congregations to perform blessings of same-sex couples, a decision reached after two years of intense theological discussions with pastors and parishioners. He went on to say that no clergy would be required to perform the rite. He said he will support all 61 of his congregations whether they choose to carry out the blessing ritual or not.

VOL: We have seen this logic applied before over women's ordination. When it was first brokered into the Episcopal Church via the pansexual Paul Moore Bishop of New York, the act was deemed illegal. Never mind it was soon accepted on the understanding, of course, that no diocesan bishop would be forced to have women priests into their dioceses or ordain them. Over time that all changed, then it became mandatory in the name of women's rights. The same will happen with gay marriage in The Episcopal Church. Sooner or later, voluntary will become mandatory. You can count on it. A next generation sodomite bishop like Gene Robinson with an even greater capacity for public narcissism will make the case. History will repeat itself.

Read the full story at

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