Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bishop Donald Harvey: Farewell! Good and Faithful Servant!

The Anchor
May 2014

The Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) Moderator Bishop Don Harvey retires from his position at the end of June 2014. Bishop Don paid a Farewell Visit to his people on Vancouver Island during March and was interviewed by Mike and Lynne Damant, editor of the Church of Our Lord’s magazine, The Anchor.

We asked Bishop Don Harvey to first ‘set the stage’ with a brief summary of the major events leading up to the formation of the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) for the benefit of our members who are new to The Anglican Network:

Bishop Harvey:In June 1994 in Montreal, Canada, at a national conference of Anglicans from across Canada, a movement called “Essentials Canada” was formed. It invited all Anglicans to join in affirming the essentials of the Christian faith, Supremacy of Holy Scripture, in the historic standards of the ecumenical creeds, the Thirty- Nine Articles, the Solemn Declaration of 1893, and the 1962 Book of Common Prayer.

A decade later I retired from my position in the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) as Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and I accepted the invitation of the Essentials Movement to become the Episcopal Advisor.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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