Wednesday, June 04, 2014

From gay sex to abortion, that Susan Russell?

Murder Inc.’s Auschwitz Chaplaincy Free Kermit Gosnell Committee Clergy Advocacy Board (FYI, Susan Russell is the Auschwitz Chaplaincy Free Kermit Gosnell Committee CAB’s current Vice-Chair which should tell you everything you need to know) recently issued a “pastoral letter” on abortion under Murder Inc.’s logo.  Believe it or not, these pseudo-spiritual whores “religious leaders” are perfectly fine with you offing your kid for pretty much any reason:

The decision to have an abortion is personal. Though your reasons may be complicated and private, you’re not alone. As religious leaders from a number of religious traditions, we’re here to support you in your decision.

Of course you are.  As far as we’re concerned, fileting the kid is morally the same thing as getting liposuction, your appendix removed or a root canal.

Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures — Jewish or Christian

Neither are racism, sexism, breaking the speed limit, jaywalking, homosexuality “as we currently understand it” (if you believe the religious left), or genocide.  What’s your point, Auschwitz Chaplaincy Free Kermit Gosnell Committee Clergy Advocacy Board?

and there are clergy and people of faith

Faith in their father the…oh, you know the drill.

from all denominations who support women making this complex decision. The beliefs of each person are deserving of respect,

Unless you believe that abortion is evil in which case, go to hell.

and each person deserves care and compassion,

Except Republicans and fundies.

No one should be allowed to force their faith teachings on anyone else.

I think someone once said that Ted Kennedy’s religious beliefs were such a private matter that he wouldn’t even impose them on himself.

No one knows the circumstances of your life as well as you know them; no one knows what’s in your heart better than you. Allow yourself to be at peace with your decision.

Sin?  What does that word even mean?

God loves you and is with you no matter what you decide. You can find strength, understanding, and comfort in that love.

A more accurate English translation of Genesis 3:1-3 cannot possibly be written.

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