Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CHARLESTON, SC: Theologian and Psychiatrist Reject Gay Marriage and Homosexual Behavior

By David W. Virtue in Charleston
January 25, 2010

A leading Johns Hopkins psychiatrist and a Presbyterian theologian say same-sex marriages have no basis in biology, psychology, or sociology -- spiritually, biblically or theologically.

Speaking to several hundred Anglicans and Episcopalians at the annual Mere Anglican conference at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Charleston, the Rev. Dr. A. J. Robert Gagnon said that on the subject of marriage, Jesus raised the standard above the Mosaic Law. “Jesus did not move towards greater license. He unilaterally closed the remaining loopholes in the Law of Moses rejecting the ‘hardness of heart’ notion of Moses which cut men a break and He gave a whole different view on sexual ethics.

“Jesus is not an example of the the Silence of the Lamb on sexuality issues,” said Gagnon. “God deliberately designed complementarity - sexual pairing – as the norm for humankind. Jesus’ view of marriage could not change at will. Jesus saw the mosaic accommodation and needed to erase it. Jesus adopted a back to creation model of human sexuality. Jesus argues his case from the two sexes at creation.”

Gagnon, associate professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice said, “Genesis 2:18-20 refers to woman with the expression “as his counterpart” or “complement,” Hebrew kĕnegdô, where the component word neged denotes both similarity corresponding to (i.e. similarity on the human level) and difference opposite (i.e. difference as regards a distinct sex extracted from him). That is why the story of Genesis 2:21-24 presents the image of two sexes emerging from one flesh (illustrating the point of sexual complements) as the basis for the two sexes, man and woman, reuniting into “one flesh.” By its very nature, sexual intercourse was designed for sexual complements or counterparts.

“If in a heterosexual union two sexual halves unite to constitute a sexual whole, the logic of a homosexual union, by analogy, is that two half-males unite to form a single whole male; or two half-female unite to form a single whole female. A half unites sexually with its complementary half. To regard one’s self, if male, as completed sexually by another male is to make an implicit statement that one does not regard one’s particular gender as being intact apart from such a union. The same goes for a female-female sexual union. This is both sexual self-deception (one’s maleness or femaleness is already intact) and sexual narcissism (one is erotically aroused by one’s own essential sex).

“That is why the apostle Paul in Romans 1:24-27 refers to homosexual acts as intrinsically ‘dishonoring’ for the participants, even when the relationship is conducted in the context of care and commitment. Similarly, most would acknowledge the dishonoring character of an adult-committed incestuous bond, which tries to make of ‘one flesh’ two persons who in terms of kinship are already of the same flesh.”

The Presbyterian theologian said even the Essene Qumran community (a Jewish religious group that flourished from the 2nd century) rejected taking two wives in their lives because the foundation of creation is “male and female made Hethem” texts Jesus later cited.

Gagnon noted that the Noah’s ark narrative glossed over the twoness of the new creation indicating that a third part was neither necessary nor desirable. “The twoness of the sexes, male and female, is the basis for limiting the number of partners in a sexual union. Gen 1:27, Gen 1-2 Mk 10:2-12, and Gen 1:2 confirm this.”

Citing Romans 1:19-20 and 24-27, Gagnon said that the Scriptures are opposed to all forms of same sex unions. Stage 1 is found in Romans 1: 19-20 that is about God’s power.

Homosexuality invites the judgment of God. It is idolatry. Homosexuality is a God substitute, said Gagnon.

The wrath of God will happen, said Gagnon. “The first stage is that God steps back. He allows them to heap up their sins. This is an interim period that leads to cataclysm at the end. Idolatry and same-sex intercourse together constitutes a frontal assault on the work of the creator in nature. Instead of recognizing their creation in God’s image and dominion over animals they rebel against the created order. God widens indictment in Romans Chapter 2.

“The truth about God is visible and apparent in material creation. Likewise the truth about God’s will for sex is visible in our gendered bodies. Men and women are designed for sex with each other.”

Gagnon said that medical evidence shows that lesbians have a higher incidence of mental health issues as well as short term relationships.

“Sexual ethics over which Christology is joined cannot make sexuality a second tier issue. In what sense then is Christ still Lord if they are separated? At the end it is about reclaiming people for the kingdom of God.”

Dr. Paul McHugh

“There is a received opinion about homosexual behavior, most of it is wrong. There is the notion that one is gay by nature, an innate tendency like being left handed and any attempt to hinder is tantamount to racism. This opinion is unproven and quite unsettled in psychology, biology and sociological studies. In many ways data tends to refute this,” said Dr. Paul McHugh Professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins University. “Scientific research has not established any genetic causation for homosexual orientation, he told the Mere Anglican conference.

“Genes seem to be the ultimate source. If 50% of identical twins, one of whom is homosexual, somehow proves this genetic influence is simply not true. The data indicates some genetic influences are in play, but Genetic identity does not bring uniformity such as eye color. Many other behaviors including crime, over eating can incline but not compel us. Genes are one of the many influences. For psychiatrists like me, the genetic biological concept as biologically compelled are built in.”

McHugh said there is no such thing as the vacated self. “There are emerging homosexual preferences in adolescence around the lack of parental influences, usually the father. The truth is advocacy and sexual politics play a stronger role than the psychological role. Today politics and social opinion are playing more of a role in determining behavior.”

The psychiatrist also stated that Kinsey’s findings are not sound social science. “Kinsey was a secular Elmer Gantry. He was a fervent missionary for this new movement. Kinsey chose samples of convenience. Kinsey was an ideological bully. He said that 50% of men were adulterous and 25% of women were adulterous and 10% male homosexuality. These figures are a fiction.”

McHugh said the AIDS epidemic roused the nation. “It broke down the resistance people had. The “Sex in America” report in 1994 controverts most of Kinsey’s report. The truth is 85% of people have one partner in a given year. This is why AIDs did not sweep the nation. Homosexuals represent only 2% – 4% of people. Homosexuality is not a built in biologically based trait.”

Social Cluster Research

McHugh spoke about the emerging science of the social cluster. “I am unpersuaded that homosexuality is built in. We should not allow gay and lesbian clubs, it creates social clustering. We become the groups we self identify with. A slim person among heavy people will sooner or later gain weight. Biological, psychological and social studies seem to bear that out. This is not about intolerance but incompatibility. The tragedy is that we are seeing the triumph of feelings over reason in the university.

“I don’t think we will find a gay gene or crime gene. I am sure it is not going to boil down to a gay gene.

“I’m a Roman Catholic married to an Anglican woman and I see the church in a death spiral over sexuality issues. We are facing a new enterprise which proposes a permissive world - a pandemonium of permissiveness and hedonism that neglects the meaning of human beings. We need to teach the meaning of the psychological and social domains in which we live.

“What does science really teach us about or sexual natures? Desire and love are not the same. Differentiating is important. Despite Freud I loved my mother, I did not desire her. Desire is a way to love. The love experience and commitment of the love experience is a great challenge.

“Marriage is not simple the joining of two people in a sexual relationship. It is also about kinship. We need to teach other… to remoralize ourselves. We need a message of coherent lives to face the permissive world we are in so we can stand against pornography, homosexuality and divorce.”

Asked if the gay community is ready to be open to this idea of their biological orientation and nature, McHugh said, “homosexuals are in deep conflict with science today and the question is will knowledge enhance their dignity or is it an enterprise that will ultimately lead to their reduction.”

Americans, he said, have become such victims of the “politics of deviance” that objective scholarship is brushed aside in favor of what is deemed to be politically correct.

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