Friday, January 29, 2010

"We are desperate but strong in faith"

From the Anglican Communion News Service:

Posted On : January 28, 2010 1:27 PM | Posted By : Webmaster

These are the words of Bishop Jean Zache Duracin of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti two weeks after the earthquake which has become known simply as 'La Catastrophe'.

In his reflections posted on the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti Bishop Duracin describes the devastation and present living conditions, and his own diocese's outreach to thousands of people who have been made homeless, including childran and disabled people, and many who are wounded. He reflects that for Haiti the course of history has change. He looks to the future, with prayer and in faith, for long-term partnership with others who might accompany the people of Haiti as they work to rebuild and restore.

For more:

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