Tuesday, February 02, 2010


from Midwest Conservative Journal by The Editor

The major reason why Bishop Mouneer Anis quit the Anglican Communion’s Standing Committee seems to have revolved around the continued participation of the Americans:

"The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Anis, who has resigned his position on the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion, told The Living Church that discussions at the committee’s meeting in December 2009 are what prompted his resignation from the committee.

“I had been in communication before the meeting that I needed to discuss the participation of the Episcopal Church on the standing committee. I found some resistance to this,” said Bishop Mouneer, who is Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa, and President Bishop of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

“I didn’t see a way forward to follow through on the recommendations made by the primates and by the Windsor Report itself,” Bishop Mouneer said regarding the Episcopal Church’s continuing representation on the standing committee."

I’ve learned two things today. At least half of the Standing Committee leans to the left. That fact as well as the continued participation of Mrs. Schori and Professor Douglas means that the Americans can continue to give a pointy hat to any unrepentant sinner they care to safe in the knowledge that nothing will ever happen to them.

The whole Covenant process has been nothing more than a desperate attempt to stall for time, to buy off the savages, call it what you will. Archbishop Orombi, the last definitely conservative voice on this panel, needs to immediately follow Anis out and no longer dignify this ridiculous charade with his presence.

The other thing I’ve learned is that Jim Naughton is still a bigoted little dirtbag.

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