Monday, February 01, 2010

The duplicity of the pecusa left

I don't recall liberals in pecusa ever complaining about Bishop Spong, the then Bishop of Newark, living in Morristown. Morristown is a nice place, much nicer than Newark. Spong's explanation is that he had to do a lot of entertaining. I've worked in Newark, and Bishop, there's plenty of parking. Reporting for the Episcopal News Service, Jan Nunley didn't fail to mention that the Plano meeting was held at an upscale hotel in Dallas. She didn't mention that due to the number of registrants the Plano meeting outgrew Plano and had to scramble to find a site large enough to hold the event. In subsequent years the House of Bishops met at a luxury hotel in Florida and a resort in Puerto Rico. Did the leftists complain? Of course not. I contacted Nunley about the meeting in Florida and contrasted for her the reporting about that event and the Plano event. Her reply? Not my beat. Not, I'll talk to that reporter about fairness. No, liberals are never concerned with fairness, only their agenda. Hence, the story below. ed.

From The Lead:

Akinola will retire in style

Upon retirement from office, priests and bishops can be given a wide range of things, from the English with their gifts of rank and title to the Americans with their cash envelopes and their penchant for naming parish halls after particularly effective (or at least well-loved) rectors.

The Café's editorial board is just lousy with ordained clergy these days, and so it was with both a painful wince of minor recognition and a dropped jaw that we received the following item from Nigeria concerning Peter Akinola, who will retire as primate of the Church of Nigeria in March, and whose "send-forth" was recently held.

Highlight of the event was the presentation of the keys to a duplex, located at Gudu District of Abuja Metropolis and a Mercedes Benz E300 car to Akinola by the church.
Numbers vary slightly depending on where you check (say, here or here), but it's safe to say that if it's new, the car in question - in the U.S. - is surely worth at least $48,000 USD for the base model, and well more depending on whatever else has been thrown in.

As for the duplex in question ... well, who knows. Google, maybe.

Still, it doesn't sound like standing in solidarity with Nigeria's poor is necessarily on the list of things for him to do post-retirement.

Posted by Torey Lightcap on January 31, 2010 2:45 PM

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