Monday, February 01, 2010

Festal Eucharist with Archbishop Peter Akinola

From CANA:

His Grace, Archbishop Peter J. Akinola, will join us in the USA on February 10 for a festal Eucharist. This will be his final visit to the USA as the Primate of the Church of Nigeria (as the term of his primacy comes to completion on March 25). So, this will be the American church's opportunity to thank him for his decades of selfless ministry for Christ and the Church. Archbishop Robert Duncan (ACNA), Presiding Bishop Leonard Riches (REC), Bishop Martyn Minns (CANA), Canon John Yates (The Falls Church), and many others will be participating in this celebration. Come join us!

Wednesday evening, February 10, 2010
7:30pm Eastern

Truro Church
10520 Main Street
Fairfax VA 22030


Bishops in the Conference Room in rochet and chimere. Priests and deacons in the Upper Room in cassock, surplice, and white stole.

Childcare available.
Dessert reception following in the Truro Undercroft.

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