Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Christ Church, West Texas, Issues Vestry Statement, 10 Vestry Members Resign, Including Two Wardens

from Stand Firm

[Received via email]

Vestry Statement to the Parish
June 11, 2010

On Tuesday, June 8, 2010, the Christ Episcopal Church (CEC) Vestry held a specially called meeting in the CEC Carriage House to discuss the findings of the two task forces appointed by the Vestry's Executive Committee. These task forces were formed to evaluate how best to "lovingly facilitate and support" both groups currently within CEC (as outlined in the April 13th Clarification of the Vestry Statement to the Parish).

Report: Task Force I (stay in TEC), led by Tom Frost, proposed:

· those remaining in CEC move forward based upon on CEC's Core Values
· to conduct an "every member canvas" in the fall
· the Treasurer and Parish Administrator remain CEC's financial leadership
· current CEC clergy (John Barrett and Scott Kitayama) are encouraged to remain
· a formal, statement or blessing of those leaving through a Vestry "resolution" or "blessing"
(see attached)

Report: Task Force II (leave TEC), led by Denny Tottenham, proposed:

· individual consciences and decisions be respected
· there be every effort made to maintain relationships
· there be a mutual expression and offering of genuine love, support and meaningful well-wishes between the two groups

Summary of Parishioner Comments/Concerns:

Fifteen parishioners shared their questions, comments, opinions and concerns regarding the two task force reports. A majority of those who spoke support the report issued by Task Force I, and it is the Vestry's opinion that a majority of those in attendance appeared to do so as well. Further, it is the belief of the Vestry that the majority of those in attendance expressed their belief that it would be in the best interest of both groups for those individuals feeling a need to leave CEC do so as quickly as possible. The consensus among those in attendance appeared to be that this will result in the removal of the uncertainty that has impacted CEC for several years and will give those who remain at CEC an opportunity to move forward in its support of the Diocese of West Texas (DWTx) and the Episcopal Church.

There was also much discussion among those who spoke about the makeup and leadership of the Vestry, and a desire that each vestry member be fully committed to CEC and its continued presence in DWTx.

After the time for parishioner comment, the Vestry moved into Executive Session so as to be able to candidly discuss the views and comments that were shared.

Vestry Recommendations/Conclusions:

As a result, after prayerful consideration, the following Vestry members intend to resign from the Vestry:

· Rick Archer, Junior Warden
· Scott Barr
· Brad Camp
· Wendell Hall
· Greg King, Senior Warden
· Tom Kingman
· Annie Lutz
· Sherry O'Kelley
· Brooke Peacock
· Denny Tottenham

It is important to note that resigning Vestry have not resigned their membership at CEC at this time.

The following members have committed to remain on the Vestry at this time:

· Tom Frost
· Michael Kiolbassa
· Jed Morrison
· Scott Rose

One Vestry member, Allison Hayne, is out of the country and will declare her intention upon her return and another Vestry member, Jacque Roberts, did not attend the meeting and has not confirmed her intention.

All members of the Vestry expressed a deep desire for a smooth transition.

The wardens met yesterday with Bishops Lillibridge and Reed and Interim Rector Bill Frey to review the special vestry meeting of June 8 as outlined in this statement. The bishop and interim rector will meet with the entire Vestry (including those who will resign) at its scheduled meeting on June 14. Following the general session, there will be an executive session with those who will remain on the Vestry to address the immediate future, including plans for filling Vestry vacancies and details regarding the interim rector.

It is the entire Vestry's strongest desire and prayer that those who remain at CEC will grow and flourish. We also desire that those who leave will grow and flourish and will know they are loved and supported by those who stay.

Finally, we affirm that those who stay and those who leave are both brothers and sisters in Christ, and united by their common commitment to Jesus Christ.

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