Wednesday, June 30, 2010


from Midwest Conservative Journal

Conscious that the lesbian only cost them a couple of slots on a couple of ecumenical gabfests, the Episcopalians push all-in:

The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music June 28 announced the names of task force leaders charged with leading the development of theological resources and liturgies for same-sex blessings, according to a news release.

The church’s General Convention in 2009 passed Resolution C056, which authorized the House of Bishops, in conjunction with the SCLM, to devise an open process that would invite church-wide participation in collecting and developing the resources.

The commission is to report its efforts to the next meeting of General Convention, in 2012.

Let’s see. Assuming Dr. Williams asks her why her “church” relieved itself over yet another of the moratoria, how does Mrs. Schori spin this? They’re same-sex “blessings” and not Holy Matrimony, they’re descriptive of where we are as a church and therefore we haven’t breached the moratorium even though it looks like we have.

Same as last time, basically.

Greg Griffith wonders why there hasn’t ever been any meaningful resistance.

It’s a source of frustration for me - and no doubt a source of joy for our Worthy Opponents - that no matter how brazen or successful or disruptive they are in advancing their agenda, there seems to be nothing that triggers any sort of pushback from the Beloved Moderates - on whom, like their counterparts in secular political elections, the ultimate outcome of changes such as these rest.

But there we are: In about 20 years, the Episcopal Church has gone from a few rogue priests doing gay “marriages” disguised as home blessings, to a task force that in two short years will develop and present for approval by General Convention, liturgies for same-sex blessings.

I think I know the reason for that. Pushing back means taking a stand, causing controversy, arguing with people, maybe even getting them mad at you. In the Episcopal case, it also means being referred to as a bigot if you refuse to robotically accept the Episcopal left’s entire program or demand actual Scriptural backing for leftist innovations.

None of that is terribly pleasant. It’s far easier to stay where you are, lie low, and don’t make too much of a fuss. You can express regret or even open disagreement with this or that Episcopal action. You and your parish or diocese can even go on record as officially repudiating it and disassociating yourselves from it.

And it won’t cost you; far from it. In a way, this kind of “opposition” makes the Episcopal job much easier. If the Episcopal left knows that all the Episcopal right will do is express disagreement and nothing more, it can pass any innovation it likes along with the added advantage of being able to claim that it is a church with a wide variety of opinions.

Of course, what Episcopalians call “a church with a wide variety of opinions,” intelligent people call “window dressing.” If you’re content merely to express your disagreement, disassociation, disavowal or repudiation of your church’s heretical action and leave it at that, rest assured that disagreement, disassociation, disavowal or repudiation is something that you’re going to be doing a lot of.

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