Tuesday, June 22, 2010


from Midwest Conservative Journal

Central Pennsylvania Episcopal Bishop Nathan Baxter has a message for conservative Episcopalians in his diocese. Your money’s just as good as anyone else’s:

He said that Central Pennsylvania would “continue to move forward as a truly inclusive diocese, to be prepared as our Episcopal Church moves towards full liturgical recognition of gay and lesbian Episcopalians.”

“But our preparation must include how we honor those whose convictions limit their support for full inclusion,” Baxter added. “They too are part of our church and their concerns will be honored, and they too are and will be part of the full inclusion of which we speak [which includes] full inclusion in our love, in our protection from disrespect for their beliefs and sincere convictions and full inclusion in our larger mission.”

So please keep sending us your money because we’d really be diminished as a diocese if your money wasn’t around anymore. All sorts and conditions of money are welcome here in Central Pennsylvania. Cash, checks, electronic transfers, silver, gold, platinum, real estate, etc. You name it, we include it.

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