Monday, October 24, 2011

ACNA Releases a Memo Summarizing Parochial Report Data

Last week I posted a brief article asking the ACNA to publicly release the 2010 parochial report numbers.

That day Brad Root contacted me from the ACNA provincial office to explain some of the difficulties his office was encountering collecting and summarizing the data. He also promised to send me what numbers they had already crunched within the week.

True to his promise, I received an email on Friday of last week complete with a brief document summarizing some of the data. A section of Brad Root's email explaining the data and a link to the document he provided may be found (with his permission) below:
Hi Matt,

I wanted to provide you with Provincial statistics for year-end 2010 as it relates to your inquiry, and I hope you find this helpful. We are gearing up for our 2011 data collection and will be happy to provide to you our 2012 Provincial report in June.

A few points to note for background for these stats, you’ll notice that approximately 2/3 (64%) of our congregations submitted reports last year. While we hope for greater involvement with our upcoming data collection process, we were encouraged by last year’s initial response as we are an emerging Church. When evaluating the results of the 2010 survey, we were able to accurately report on the information provided. While we do not have data for the entire Anglican Church in North America, we are pleased to report on the trends and data submitted to us.

New works have started and churches have continued to join our Province since the beginning of the 2010 reporting period, so our count of ACNA Churches currently exceeds the 952 number listed below. It's exciting to see our congregational growth since we started with 706 churches in June of 2009.

During last year’s reporting process, we requested the average Sunday/weekend worship attendance (ASA) from each parish. This number tells us how many people attend a principal ACNA service each week. Unfortunately, we neglected to request total parish membership, which we conservatively estimate to exceed ASA by about one third or 33%. Membership statistics will be requested in future Diocesan data collection processes.

Please see the attached document for a listing of Reported Baptism, ASA & Membership statistics

Here is the document listing "Reported Baptism, ASA & Membership statistics"(PDF)

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