Sunday, October 23, 2011

Breaking: Eau Claire and Fond du Lac to merge

The Diocesan Conventions of the Dioceses of Eau Claire and Fond du Lac report that both conventions have passed resolutions to merge the two dioceses into one.
Saturday, October 22
At 1:30pm today, both the Diocese of Eau Claire and the Diocese of Fond du Lac voted on whether or not our two Dioceses should junction.

Results: YES/YES!!
Eau Claire Results
Lay Order: Yes to Junction
Clergy Order: Yes to Junction
Fond du Lac Results
Lay Order: Yes to Junction
Clergy Order: Yes to Junction

Today our two dioceses made history. Never before have two dioceses in the Episcopal Church "junctioned" together. So, today we begin a new journey to create a new Diocese in northern Wisconsin. Bishop Russ and I will meet face to face next week to begin to outline our next steps. Following that meeting I will meet on Wednesday with our (Eau Claire) LIFT task force to futher develop these initiatives. Then on the Friday before the week end of our November 4-5 Hudson Convention, I will meet with the
Diocesan leadership (Standing Committee, Executive Committee and Trustees).

Those meetings will set the stage for our Annual Convention in Hudson, where we will begin to move into the next steps for creating a new Diocese. We will have 13 months to continue on as separate Dioceses, then on January 1, 2013 we will become a NEW Diocese with a new name and with a new sense of identity. All of this will also require validation from our July 2012 General Convention, and our national Executive Council.

THANK YOU, one and all for bringing us to this new place in our common life.
You are an amazing community, and I am so gratefull for the opportunity to walk with you.

From Fond du Lac:
Dioceses Approve Formation of a New Diocese
Fond du Lac, WI -- October 22, 2011 – The Diocese of Fond du Lac, the Episcopal Church in northeastern Wisconsin, and the Diocese of Eau Claire, the Episcopal Church in northwestern Wisconsin, have approved the formation of a new Episcopal Diocese in northern Wisconsin.

The decision to join the two dioceses was the product of serious discussions that date back at least four years. Throughout that time, both the dioceses have explored options for the future.
The formal decision was by the Annual Convention of Fond du Lac and a Special Convention of Eau Claire meeting today. After extended discussion of options for the future, a vote by orders was held, which means the lay people voted separately from the clergy. A concurrent majority in both orders was made. Bishop Russell Jacobus of Fond du Lac and Bishop Ed Leidel of Eau Claire also concurred with the decision.
The decision needs to be affirmed by the national Episcopal Church governance structure, with such approval expected in summer, 2012. A process to formally organize will be held in the fall with a new diocese formed January 1, 2013.
A diocese incorporating the present dioceses would include the northern three quarters of Wisconsin. It would extend from the shores of Lake Superior to Lake Michigan to the banks of the Mississippi. It would include some of the most heavily populated and industrialized portions of the state and some of the least populated and wilderness areas in the north woods.

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