Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Chicago Consultation Does South Africa

Thanks to Dr. Munday for drawing attention to this. The Chicago Consultation, which is a front group for liberal activists and ideologues, is co-sponsoring a conference in South Africa with the "The Ujamaa Centre" which bills itself as,
"an interface between socially engaged biblical and theological scholars, organic intellectuals, and local communities of the poor, working-class, and marginalised..."
I've never met an "organic intellectual" before but I will assume they are locally grown.

The conference is the latest in a series of attempts by North American liberal activists to export western sexual fads to Africa. Homosexuality is inherently narcissistic--ah, to be with someone just like me--which may explain why political/theological liberals who love nothing more than undermining the moral fabric of non-western societies in order to recreate them in their own image--are so drawn to it.

The method by which this purpose will be forced forward in this particular conference is, of course, indaba.
“The consultation, which will involve about 55 people and last for three days, will be grounded in the Indaba process, prayer and Bible study and will explore theological perspectives on human sexuality and justice. Participants will include theologians, bishops, church leaders, grassroots advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and other people willing to engage in intensive conversations across cultural boundaries.”
Indaba is the bona fide African method of “conversation” and “listening” western liberal activists have chosen (and “tweaked”) to export liberalism and sexual liscence because it sounds so wonderfully Africanish and makes them feel all multicultural, just like when the pasty white overfed choir at your local Episcopal Church strikes up “We are Walking in the Light of God” complete with the bongo drums.

In fact, “indaba” as it is employed by western cultural imperialists is just another name for the Delphi Techniquewhereby various small group conversations and listening sessions are summarized by a “facilitator” who “reflects back” to the group what the conference organizers want the group to say and believe as if it represents the group’s own from-the-ground-up, democratic, grass roots conclusion. Although I suppose with the menagerie that will attend this particular conference—“grass roots advocates” for lesbians etc and Episcopalian bishops—producing the desired outcome won’t have to involve too much creative reflecting by the facilitator.

What stands out most to me about this particular conference is that the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) will be represented at the conference by a “listening team” headed up by our old “Sea of Faith” friend Janet Trisk.
“The participants in the consultation will share their experiences with the wider church through stories and video reflections and through the report of a listening team led by the Rev. Janet Trisk, a representative to the Anglican Consultative Council from the Church of Southern Africa.”
Sea of Faith, for which Ms. Trisk writes book reviews and to which she apparently belongs, is an organization that promotes the following ideal:
God has no ‘real’, objective or empirical existence, independent of human language and culture; God is ‘real’ in the sense that he is a potent symbol, metaphor or projection, but He has no objective existence outside and beyond the practice of religion.”
Ms. Trisk will be “listening” to what is said at the conference and “reporting” to the wider church, presumably at the next ACC meeting—where she serves and participates as an honored member (Someone remind me again why the ACNA wants so badly to be part of the Anglican Communion?)

In any case, not to be distracted, her presence and role in this particular conference suggests, and maybe I’m reading between the lines here, that she is involved with the larger efforts of the Chicago Consultation in Africa.

So here’s what gets me. The members of the Chicago Consultation profess to be Christians. While that profession is for obvious reasons suspect, a good argument can be made that most could be categorized at the very least as theists as opposed to atheist. Now if Janet Trisk were an atheist with conservative political views, the Consultation would have nothing to do with her. But she supports the cause. That makes her an ally--which all goes to show that advocating sex acts between people of the same sex is far more important to these people than a smallish, debateable thing like the existence of God.

Can you imagine trying to explain all of this to an Anglican of a century ago? "So there is this group of Episcopalians who want to engage in and/or promote sex acts between people of the same sex in Africa. To gain support in the wider Communion they’ve teamed up with a woman who serves on one of the highest legislative bodies in the Communion who believes that God doesn’t exist."

What a circus.

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