Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If you seriously believe that Mark Lawrence hasn’t been in Katharine Jeffert Schori’s crosshairs since the day he received consents, then not to put too fine a point on it but you are too stupid to be allowed outside unsupervised.  Dorsey Henderson drops a line to the Episcopal Organization’s Star Chamber:
Because I believe that time is of an essence, I have made a command decision and today requested that J.B. Burch assume the work of the Church Attorney in the matter of Bishop Mark Lawrence only; Josephine Hicks continues to work with the other allegations on our “docket.” Mr. Burch has accepted.
J.B. held the equivalent position with the Review Committee under the previous version of Title IV. As “Lay Assessor” to the Review Committee, he did the same work that the “Church Attorney” now does for the Disciplinary Board. While in that position, he did preliminary work on the Bishop Lawrence information, so he is already more than familiar with that information and the task which is now ours.
Preliminary work?  What preliminary work?  Lawrence seems to have been investigated for quite some time since charges against him were filed last year.  Don’t miss the Curmudgeon’s usual insightful analysis of this situation.
Once again.  It is a complete waste of time to argue legality with an organization that shown itself again and again to be fundamentally lawless.  Simply saying, “You can’t do that!” to Church Center one more time is not going to scare the Episcopalians.
One of two things should happen if Mark Lawrence is deposed.  Someone somewhere should finally bring formal charges against the Presiding Bishop, Dorsey Henderson and this disciplinary committee of his and make a canonical case against all this.
When that fails, and it will, Mark Lawrence and the Diocese of South Carolina should finally recognize what most of us figured out a long time ago.

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