Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Deteriorating World of Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams

The Deteriorating World of Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams
International diplomacy efforts fail to unite Anglican Communion

"The Anglican Communion's Instruments of Unity have become dysfunctional and no longer have the ecclesial and moral authority to hold the Communion together" -- Global South Primates

News Analysis

David W. Virtue
October 18, 2011

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams is losing the fight to keep the Anglican Communion together.

His forays to Africa (Kenya and Congo), following the disastrous Dublin Primates gathering which saw a third of his archbishops (mostly African) refusing to show up, reveal a communion in tatters with his ability to hold it all together now permanently impaired. On a recent trip to Kenya he was accepted as primus inter pares, but not as the leader of the Anglican Communion, a mild slap in the face.

His more recent foray to Zimbabwe proved only a partial success. Dr. Williams was able to paint President Mugabe and Bishop Kunonga as part of the evil empire of homophobia, but he took some serious hits when he was painted as a man who could not make up his mind about what he thought about homosexuality and therefore betrayed the Communion. British Anglican columnist Charles Raven noted Williams' strategic abilities and suggested that his confrontation with Mugabe "looks like an exercise in Lambeth Palace's African 'realpolitik' which orthodox Anglicans ignore at their peril."

Read the full story at

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