Monday, October 31, 2011

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?
Puritan Cromwell abolished the monarchy - along with the entire Church state
The New Testament tells of Jesus purging the temple of the money changers and traders

By Stephen Tomkins
Oct. 29, 2011

This weekend, in light of the continuing protests at St Paul's, many in the Church will be asking themselves whether they side with the protesters or the authorities. But as author and Church historian Stephen Tomkins writes, the debate goes back at least 2,000 years.

Major national Churches are often the focus of protest. A homeless man, known to the authorities for his radical activism, once slipped into one with his supporters and wrecked it, overturning tables and lashing out with a homemade whip.

His point was that what should have been a place of prayer for all people had become an institution fleecing the poor. Those were tougher times than now, and he was executed a week later.

Read the full story at

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