Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Same sex couple “parenting”...another disaster for another child

So here is this 11 year old boy who is just now entering the most sexually confusing years of his life. He needs real parents--a dad and a mom to help him walk through this time, to model true masculinity and femininity in the context of self sacrifice, encouragement and discipline. He does not need two women living out their mutually narcissistic sexual fulfillment fantasies with each other trying to recreate him in their own image. A homosexual couple is fundementally dysfunctional. A child should no more be placed in their care than in the care of a serial adulterer, drug abuser or kleptomaniac. No doubt the two women "love" this boy--meaning that they feel great affection for him. But because their own understanding of love is so twisted and defiled they cannot help but express their affection for him in a sick and depraved way.
A lesbian couple in California who say their 11-year-old son Tommy who wants to be a girl named Tammy are giving their child hormone blockers that delay the onset of puberty -- so that he can have more time that he can have more time to decide if he wants to change his gender.

The couple’s supporters say the Hormone Blocking Therapy has only minor side effects and is appropriate for a child who is unsure of his gender. "This is definitely a changing landscape for transgender youth," said Joel Baum, director of education and training for Gender Spectrum, a California-based non-profit group. "This is about giving kids and their families the opportunity to make the right decision."

But critics of the treatment say 11-year-olds are not old enough to make life-altering decisions about changing their gender, and parents should not be encouraging them. They say it’s too soon to tell what the side effects of the treatments may be, and they say Tommy’s parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, are irresponsible for seeking them and allowing them to be administered.

"This is child abuse. It's like performing liposuction on an anorexic child," said Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University...more

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