Friday, October 28, 2011

What Happening In The Diocese of Connectuicut?

Wondering what those wrascally folks in Connecticut have been up to at their annual convention?

Well, they did green thing:
We voted to "endeavor to" adopt the Genesis Covenant principles; urged all local eucharistic communities to evaluate and reduce energy use and to perform an energy audit. We authorized creating a new task force to help local eucharistic communities implement these plans.

They did the UN thing:
We endorsed the August 3, 2011 "Proclamation of the Refugee Congress"
They did the money thing: (with our money, of course)
We reaffirmed that the financial contribution of each parish toward the common mission and common resources is 12.5% of operating income.
We approved a minimum salary for clergy.
And, last but not least, they made sure they did the heresy thing up big:
We approved a resolution declaring a year of dialogue on "communion of the unbaptized" [Note: no implementation info]
We approved a non-binding resolution asking the bishop to permit clergy to officiate at same-sex weddings.
They evidently did not want to do the orthodox thing.

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