Monday, November 07, 2011

Another AMiA Press Release

Received via email...
In our world of instant communication and Internet dialogue in and through the blogosphere, it is easy for misinformation and misunderstanding to be rapidly disseminated. Recently, a video blog made unsubstantiated and false assertions about the Anglican Mission's relationship with Rwanda, and another statement [separate sources] presented negative commentary about theAM's consideration of a working proposal presented during a recent Anglican Mission Presbyters' retreat. Each of these has generated some blog discussion.

These issues have been publicly addressed in a way that can cause confusion and responding is challenging, as many of those on our mailing list are not aware of the inaccurate reporting and negative commentary. We believe it is important, however, to reassure those who have read blogs and may be concerned or confused and to address the misleading information and personal commentary in a general way. To that end, Archbishop Rwaje and Bishop Murphy have issued a joint statement that you can read below.

This unforeseen situation actually provides us with the opportunity to share some potential developments, which we believe promise a new and rich season of ministry together. The Anglican Mission has been actively engaged in conversations with Rwanda over the last several months, exploring the concept of a Missionary Society designed to formalize what has long been the stated vision of theAM - to be "a mission, nothing more, nothing less." A Missionary Society, focused on the apostolic work of church planting, would provide a stable, long-term framework for what we have been communicating and living from our inception.

Over its 12-year history, the Anglican Mission has been consistent in vision, while being careful not to rush to structure. We have established a pattern of processing and discussing in multiple levels of leadership how best to live into our vision, addressing pros and cons, and determining a plan of action. This approach has marked the in-depth process of considering what a Missionary Society would look like and how it would operate. While no decisions have been made, this concept represents a consistent trajectory and is being discussed widely in an ordered and sequential way internally and with Rwanda. As additional clarity is reached, and an actual proposal is more clearly defined, we intend to develop a format to provide an organized opportunity for clergy and lay representatives from all of our Networks to speak into the "shape" of a proposed Missionary Society. Be assured that as decisions are reached regarding any component of our life together, we will communicate that information to you directly.

Because conversations are ongoing as we seek to discern the will of God and the right way forward through wise counsel and prayer, we cannot state definitively the results of this process, but we can make you aware of the conversations, and with confidence and transparency, refute false rumors and offer a different perspective on negative commentary.

Our hope is that none of us will become distracted from our mission and ministry. We ask you to pray for wisdom and discernment as the Anglican Mission and Rwanda seek God's will and best plan for this missionary movement He has created. We believe our best days are still ahead as we seek to maintain a long obedience in the same direction.

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